Grid Field Arrays ================= Field arrays are convenient ways (within code linked against the Enzo code base -- including within Enzo itself!) to access grid data such as the baryon fields, or particle lists. They can also be used to get pre-defined derived fields, such as temperature. They are intended to be used by solvers, initializers, and analysis routines. The hope is provide a clean way for classes other than the grid to get to grid data, and to help make the current code base more modular. Class Description ----------------- The array class is pretty simple: just enough to represent an N-dimensional grid, without any spatial information. Here is the heart of it, from ``EnzoArray.h``: .. code-block:: c template class EnzoArray { public: EnzoArray(int rank, int *dims, int *start, int *end, FLOAT *cell_size=NULL, int derived=FALSE){ ... int Rank; // number of dimensions int Dimension[MAX_DIMENSION]; // total dimensions of all grids int StartIndex[MAX_DIMENSION]; // starting index of the active region // (zero based) int EndIndex[MAX_DIMENSION]; // stoping index of the active region // (zero based) FLOAT CellWidth[MAX_DIMENSION]; T *Array; // used for velocities and positions T *Vector[MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTES]; ... }; #define EnzoArrayFLOAT EnzoArray #define EnzoArrayFloat EnzoArray #define EnzoArrayInt EnzoArray The array classes are really a single template, but the macros at the bottom of the header file will hide that from you. Array vs. Vector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the above code block, you'll notice two pointers: ``T \*Array``; and ``T \*Vector``. Here are the rules that these attributes follow: Only one of these will be used, and which one is used depends on the type of data you try to access. Namely, field data, such as density, will be pointed to by ``Array``, and vector data, such as velocities or particle positions, will be pointed to by ``Vector``. Destructor (What Gets Deleted) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the destructor is called, ``Array`` and ``Vector`` get deleted *only if* ``derived`` is TRUE. This is to keep the usage (declare and delete) similar for both derived and underived data. We really don't want to delete the density field on accident. Access Methods -------------- There are six accessor methods declared in ``Grid.h``, two per data type (``float``, ``int``, and ``FLOAT``). .. code-block:: c EnzoArrayInt *CreateFieldArrayInt(field_type field); EnzoArrayInt *CreateFieldArrayInt(char *field_name); EnzoArrayFloat *CreateFieldArrayFloat(field_type field); EnzoArrayFloat *CreateFieldArrayFloat(char *field_name); EnzoArrayFLOAT *CreateFieldArrayFLOAT(field_type field); EnzoArrayFLOAT *CreateFieldArrayFLOAT(char *field_name); These methods are defined in ``Grid_CreateFieldArray.C``. Basically, they allocate a new ``EnzoArray``, fill in the dimensions, attach the relevant pointers, and hand it back to. All you need to do is delete the return object. Field Numbers and Names ----------------------- The arguments to are either a field number, defined in ``typedefs.h``, or the string version of the same. The string versions are defined in a ``long`` array, named ``field_map`` in ``Grid_CreateFieldArray.C``. This means you can access something as .. code-block:: c EnzoArrayFloat *density_array = mygrid->CreateFieldArrayFloat(Density); or .. code-block:: c EnzoArrayFloat *density_array = mygrid->CreateFieldArrayFloat("Density"); There are some fields which have names that are the same as grid attributes, like ``ParticlePosition``. Rather than have a huge namespace conflict, these have field numbers prefixed with a "g", e.g., ``gParticlePosition``. The string called is still just "ParticlePosition", like .. code-block:: c EnzoArrayFloat *ppos = mygrid->CreateFieldArrayFloat(gParticlePosition); or .. code-block:: c EnzoArrayFloat *ppos = mygrid->CreateFieldArrayFloat("ParticlePosition"); The important part of the map is that it knows the data type of the fields, which you need to know, so you can call the right method. This is really pretty simple, since just about everything returned is a ``float``. For a complete list of the (hopefully current) fields, see the section Field_List_Reference_. For the best reference, check in ``typedefs.h``, and ``Grid_CreateFieldArray.C``. Using the Methods ----------------- Here's a somewhat long-winded example of how to use the arrays. First, here's function to create a non-uniform grid .. code-block:: c grid *Linear3DGrid(){ // Create a new 3D grid float dens = M_PI, total_energy = 0.5, internal_energy = 0.0; float vel[3]; int dims[3]; FLOAT left[3], right[3]; grid *lineargrid = new grid; int i, j, k, rank = 3; int index; for (i = 0; i < rank; i++) { dims[i] = 134; left[i] = 0.0; right[i] = 1.0; vel[i] = (i+1) * 0.125; } NumberOfParticleAttributes = 0; lineargrid->PrepareGrid(3, dims, left, right, 2); int result = lineargrid->InitializeUniformGrid(dens, total_energy, internal_energy, vel); assert(result != FAIL); EnzoArrayFloat *dens_field = lineargrid->CreateFieldArrayFloat("Density"); for (k = 3; k <= 130; k++) { for (j = 3; j <= 130; j++) { index = k*(134)*(134) + j*(134) + 3; for (i = 3; i <= 130; i++, index++) { dens_field->Array[index] = (float)(i + 1000*j + 1000000*k); } } } delete dens_field; return lineargrid; } Notice how this function uses ``CreateFieldArrayFloat`` to set the values of the density array. Now, here's a program that creates a uniform grid, and looks at some of the attributes: .. code-block:: c Eint32 main(Eint32 argc, char *argv[]) { CommunicationInitialize(&argc, &argv); grid *agrid = Linear3DGrid(); EnzoArrayFloat *dens = agrid->CreateFieldArrayFloat(Density); Eint32 index = 7 + 8*134 + 9*134*134; printf("density rank = %"ISYM"\n", dens->Rank); printf("density dim[0] = %"ISYM"\n", dens->Dimension[0]); printf("density start[0] = %"ISYM"\n", dens->StartIndex[0]); printf("density end[0] = %"ISYM"\n", dens->EndIndex[0], 130); printf("density field[7 + 8*134 + 9*134*134] = %"FSYM"\n", dens->Array[index]); delete dens; delete agrid; // End the overall test suite CommunicationFinalize(); return 0; } This is a complete program, ``field_array_example.C``; what this snippet lacks is the fairly long list of header files that need to be included. You can compile this by calling ``make field_array_example.exe`` in source directory. .. _Field_List_Reference: Field List Reference -------------------- The following table is a partial list of the fields in Enzo. The **Field Type ID** is defined in the ``typedef.h`` file. ============= ====================== ====================== ========== =============== Field Type ID Field Number Field Name Data Type Array or Vector ============= ====================== ====================== ========== =============== 0 Density "Density" float Array 1 TotalEnergy "TotalEnergy" float Array 2 InternalEnergy "InternalEnergy" float Array 3 Pressure "Pressure" float Array 4 Velocity1 "Velocity1" float Array 5 Velocity2 "Velocity2" float Array 6 Velocity3 "Velocity3" float Array 7 ElectronDensity "ElectronDensity" float Array 8 HIDensity "HIDensity" float Array 9 HIIDensity "HIIDensity" float Array 10 HeIDensity "HeIDensity" float Array 11 HeIIDensity "HeIIDensity" float Array 12 HeIIIDensity "HeIIIDensity" float Array 13 HMDensity "HMDensity" float Array 14 H2IDensity "H2IDensity" float Array 15 H2IIDensity "H2IIDensity" float Array 16 DIDensity "DIDensity" float Array 17 DIIDensity "DIIDensity" float Array 18 HDIDensity "HDIDensity" float Array 19 SNColour 20 Metallicity "Metallicity" float Array 21 ExtraType0 "ExtraType0" float Array 22 ExtraType1 "ExtraType1" float Array 30 GravPotential "GravPotential" float Array 31 Acceleration0 "Acceleration0" float Array 32 Acceleration1 "Acceleration1" float Array 33 Acceleration2 "Acceleration2" float Array 37 gParticlePosition "ParticlePosition" FLOAT Vector 38 gParticleVelocity "ParticleVelocity" float Vector 39 gParticleMass "ParticleMass" float Array 40 gParticleAcceleration "ParticleAcceleration" float Vector 41 gParticleNumber "ParticleNumber" int Array 42 gParticleType "ParticleType" int Array 43 gParticleAttribute "ParticleAttribute" float Vector 44 gPotentialField "PotentialField" float Array 45 gAccelerationField "AccelerationField" float Vector 46 gGravitatingMassField "GravitatingMassField" float Array 47 gFlaggingField "FlaggingField" int Array 48 gVelocity "Velocity" float Vector ============= ====================== ====================== ========== ===============