.. _MachineNotes: Machine Specific Notes ====================== Here we will mention some miscellaneous notes on specific machines. This is merely a list of pitfalls or things we have found useful, and by no means a replacement to the documentation. NICS: Kraken ------------ `http://www.nics.tennessee.edu/computing-resources/kraken `_ Important ~~~~~~~~~ Serious errors have been found with a few Enzo routines when using -O2 and the PGI compilers on Kraken. Use with caution. Trace Trap Flags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Useful for debugging, but slows the code down. You can find this info in the pgCC man page. (Not all compilers have decent trace trapping, so it deserves a mention here.) :: -Ktrap=[option,[option]...] Controls the behavior of the processor when exceptions occur. Possible options include -Ktrap=divz Trap on divide by zero. -Ktrap=fp Trap on floating point exceptions. -Ktrap=align Trap on memory alignment errors, currently ignored -Ktrap=denorm Trap on denormalized operands. -Ktrap=inexact Trap on inexact result. -Ktrap=inv Trap on invalid operands. -Ktrap=none (default) Disable all traps. -Ktrap=ovf Trap on floating point overflow. -Ktrap=unf Trap on floating point underflow.