Particles in Nested Grid Cosmology Simulations

When running a nested grid cosmology simulation, not all the particles created by inits necessarily lie inside of the intended grid. This has to do with they way particle positions are calculated from the velocity field. This problem is not a flaw in the way inits makes initial conditions, but it can lead to unreliable results if it is not addressed.

Note: This effect does not always occur. But it should be checked for when doing nested initial conditions.

The Problem

Following the cosmology tutorial for nested grids, first inits is run, and then ring is run on the output of inits to prepare data for the Parallel Root Grid IO mode of Enzo. The contents of the initial conditions are easily inspected:

$ h5ls Particle*
ParticleMasses.0         Dataset {1, 2064384}
ParticleMasses.1         Dataset {1, 262144}
ParticlePositions.0      Dataset {3, 2064384}
ParticlePositions.1      Dataset {3, 262144}
ParticleVelocities.0     Dataset {3, 2064384}
ParticleVelocities.1     Dataset {3, 262144}

In this example, there are two initial grids. The root grid has 2,064,384 particles, and the nested grid has 262,144. After ring is run, a number of files with prefixes PPos, PVel and PMass are created. Using eight tasks, here are the contents of the PPos files for the top grid:

$ h5ls PP*0
PPos0000.0               Dataset {3, 258304}
PPos0001.0               Dataset {3, 258304}
PPos0002.0               Dataset {3, 257792}
PPos0003.0               Dataset {3, 257792}
PPos0004.0               Dataset {3, 258304}
PPos0005.0               Dataset {3, 258304}
PPos0006.0               Dataset {3, 257792}
PPos0007.0               Dataset {3, 257792}

And the nested grid:

$ h5ls PP*1
PPos0000.1               Dataset {3, 32743}
PPos0001.1               Dataset {3, 32665}
PPos0002.1               Dataset {3, 32767}
PPos0003.1               Dataset {3, 32844}
PPos0004.1               Dataset {3, 32715}
PPos0005.1               Dataset {3, 32151}
PPos0006.1               Dataset {3, 32749}
PPos0007.1               Dataset {3, 32692}

The sum of the particles in the top grid files is 2,064,384 particles, but in the nested grid files it is only 261,326, a deficit of 818 particles. The missing particles have been thrown out by ring because they lie outside the nested grid boundaries.

If the sum of the particles in the files after ring has been run is equal to the original total, the problem is not extant in the dataset.

The Solution

The solution to this problem is to introduce an extra step between inits and ring, where particles are moved to the correct grid. However, when a particle is moved to a grid with a different refinement, the mass of the particle must be modified. During this step, when a particle changes grid, this move must be tracked and its mass updated to reflect the different grid refinement. Please see Writing your own tools, II - Enzo Physical Units for more on why the particle mass must be changed when moving between grids.

One wrinkle to this solution is the ParticleMasses file must be created by inits, for all grids, along with the ParticlePositions and ParticleVelocities files. CosmologySimulationParticleMassName must therefore also be specified as an input in the Enzo parameter file.


A long time ago, there was a script available for fixing this at Unfortunately, that has been lost to time.


Save a copy of the script to the same directory as your nested initial condition files. Edit the top of the file, where noted, to match your setup. Please note the order items should be entered. Once the settings are correct, invoke python The updated initial condition files will be placed inside the directory new_ICs. Then run ring on the new initial condition files, and use the results with Enzo.