Hierarchy Control ParametersΒΆ

StaticHierarchy (external)
A flag which indicates if the hierarchy is static (1) or dynamic (0). In other words, a value of 1 takes the A out of AMR. Default: 1
RefineBy (external)
This is the refinement factor between a grid and its subgrid. For cosmology simulations, we have found a ratio of 2 to be most useful. Default: 4
MaximumRefinementLevel (external)
This is the lowest (most refined) depth that the code will produce. It is zero based, so the total number of levels (including the root grid) is one more than this value. Default: 2
CellFlaggingMethod (external)

The method(s) used to specify when a cell should be refined. This is a list of integers, up to 9, as described by the following table. The methods combine in an “OR” fashion: if any of them indicate that a cell should be refined, then it is flagged. For cosmology simulations, methods 2 and 4 are probably most useful. Note that some methods have additional parameters which are described below. For more information about specific methods, see the method paper. Default: 1

CellFlaggingMethod Description
1 Refine by slope
2 Refine by baryon mass
3 Refine by shocks
4 Refine by particle mass
5 Refine by baryon overdensity
6 Refine by Jeans length
7 Refine if (cooling time < cell width/sound speed)
8 Refine by must-refine particles
9 Refine by shear
10 Refine by optical depth (in RT calculation)
11 Refine by resistive length (in MHD calculation)
12 Refine by defined region “MustRefineRegion”
13 Refine by metallicity
14 Refine by shockwaves (found w/shock finder)
15 Refine by normalized second derivative
16 Refine by Jeans length from the inertial tensor
19 Refine by metal mass
100 Avoid refinement based on ForbiddenRefinement field
101 Avoid refinement in regions defined in “AvoidRefineRegion”
RefineRegionLeftEdge, RefineRegionRightEdge (external)
These two parameters control the region in which refinement is permitted. Each is a vector of floats (of length given by the problem rank) and they specify the two corners of a volume. Default: set equal to DomainLeftEdge and DomainRightEdge.
RefineRegionAutoAdjust (external)
This is useful for multiresolution simulations with particles in which the particles have varying mass. Set to 1 to automatically adjust the refine region at root grid timesteps to only contain high-resolution particles. This makes sure that the fine regions do not contain more massive particles which may lead to small particles orbiting them or other undesired outcomes. Setting to any integer (for example, 3) will make AdjustRefineRegion to work at (RefineRegionAutoAdjust-1)th level timesteps because sometimes the heavy particles are coming into the fine regions too fast that you need more frequent protection. Default: 0.
RefineRegionTimeType (external)
If set, this controls how the first column of a refinement region evolution file (see below) is interpreted, 0 for code time, 1 for redshift. Default: -1, which is equivalent to ‘off’.
RefineRegionFile (external)

The name of a text file containing the corners of the time-evolving refinement region. The lines in the file change the values of RefineRegionLeft/RightEdge during the course of the simulation, and the lines are ordered in the file from early times to late times. The first column of data is the time index (in code units or redshift, see the parameter above) for the next six columns, which are the values of RefineRegionLeft/RightEdge. For example, this might be two lines from the text file when time is indexed by redshift:

0.60 0.530 0.612 0.185 0.591 0.667 0.208
0.55 0.520 0.607 0.181 0.584 0.653 0.201

In this case, the refinement region stays at the z=0.60 value until z=0.55, when the box moves slightly closer to the (0,0,0) corner. There is a maximum of 300 lines in the file and there is no comment header line. Default: None.

MinimumOverDensityForRefinement (external)

These float values (up to 9) are used if the CellFlaggingMethod is 2, 4 or 5. For method 2 and 4, the value is the density (baryon or particle), in code units, above which refinement occurs. When using method 5, it becomes rho [code] - 1. The elements in this array must match those in CellFlaggingMethod. Therefore, if CellFlaggingMethod = 1 4 9 10, MinimumOverDensityForRefinement = 0 8.0 0 0.

In practice, this value is converted into a mass by multiplying it by the volume of the top grid cell. The result is then stored in the next parameter (unless that is set directly in which case this parameter is ignored), and this defines the mass resolution of the simulation. Note that the volume is of a top grid cell, so if you are doing a multi-grid initialization, you must divide this number by r(d*l) where r is the refinement factor, d is the dimensionality and l is the (zero-based) lowest level. For example, for a two grid cosmology setup where a cell should be refined whenever the mass exceeds 4 times the mean density of the subgrid, this value should be 4 / (2(3*1)) = 4 / 8 = 0.5. Keep in mind that this parameter has no effect if it is changed in a restart output; if you want to change the refinement mid-run you will have to modify the next parameter. Up to 9 numbers may be specified here, each corresponding to the respective CellFlaggingMethod. Default: 1.5

MinimumMassForRefinement (internal)
This float is usually set by the parameter above and so is labeled internal, but it can be set by hand. For non-cosmological simulations, it can be the easier refinement criteria to specify. It is the mass above which a refinement occurs if the CellFlaggingMethod is appropriately set. For cosmological simulations, it is specified in units such that the entire mass in the computational volume is 1.0, otherwise it is in code units. There are 9 numbers here again, as per the above parameter. Default: none
MinimumMassForRefinementLevelExponent (external).
This parameter modifies the behaviour of the above parameter. As it stands, the refinement based on the MinimumMassForRefinement (hereafter Mmin) parameter is complete Lagrangian. However, this can be modified. The actual mass used is Mmin*r(l*alpha) where r is the refinement factor, l is the level and alpha is the value of this parameter (MinimumMassForRefinementLevelExponent). Therefore a negative value makes the refinement super-Lagrangian, while positive values are sub-Lagrangian. There are up to 9 values specified here, as per the above two parameters. Default: 0.0
SlopeFlaggingFields (external)
If CellFlaggingMethod is 1, and you only want to refine on the slopes of certain fields then you can enter the Field Type IDs of the fields you want, separating the IDs with a space. Up to 7 Field Type IDs can be specified. Default: Refine on slopes of all fields.
MinimumSlopeForRefinement (external)
If CellFlaggingMethod is 1, then local gradients are used as the refinement criteria. All variables are examined and the relative slope is computed: abs(q(i+1)-q(i-1))/q(i). Where this value exceeds this parameter, the cell is marked for refinement. This causes problems if q(i) is near zero. This is a single integer (as opposed to the list of five for the above parameters). Entering multiple numbers here correspond to the fields listed in SlopeFlaggingFields. Default: 0.3
MinimumPressureJumpForRefinement (external)
If refinement is done by shocks, then this is the minimum (relative) pressure jump in one-dimension to qualify for a shock. The definition is rather standard (see Colella and Woodward’s PPM paper for example) Default: 0.33
MinimumEnergyRatioForRefinement (external)
For the dual energy formalism, and cell flagging by shock-detection, this is an extra filter which removes weak shocks (or noise in the dual energy fields) from triggering the shock detection. Default: 0.1
MinimumShearForRefinement (external)
It is the minimum shear above which a refinement occurs if the CellFlaggingMethod is appropriately set. Default: 0
OldShearMethod (external)
If using the shear refinement criterion, setting this variable to 1 enables the old method for calculating the shear criterion, which actually calculates it based on shear and vorticity and makes some assumptions about the simulations (c_s=1, etc.). However, this is necessary if you want to reproduce some of the old enzo results (e.g. Kritsuk et al. 2006). Default: 0
MetallicityRefinementMinMetallicity (external)
For method 13 (metallicity refinement), this is the threshold metallicity (in units of solar metallicity) above which cells must be refined to a minimum level of MetallicityRefinementMinLevel. For method 19 (metal mass), this flags cells for refinement when the metal mass is above the necessary baryon mass (method 2) for refinement multiplied by this parameter. Behaves similarly to refinement by baryon mass but focuses on metal-enriched regions. In units of solar metallicity. Default: 1.0e-5
MetallicityRefinementMinLevel (external)
Sets the minimum level (maximum cell size) to which a cell enriched with metal above a level set by MetallicityRefinementMinMetallicity will be refined. This can be set to any level up to and including MaximumRefinementLevel. (No default setting)
MetallicityRefinementMinDensity (external)
It is the minimum density above which a refinement occurs when the cells are refined on metallicity. Default: FLOAT_UNDEFINED
ShockwaveRefinementMinMach (external)
The minimum Mach number required to refine a level when using ShockwaveRefinement. Default: 1.3
ShockwaveRefinementMinVelocity (external)
The minimum shock velocity required to refine a level when using ShockwaveRefinement. Default: 1.0e7 (cm/s)
ShockwaveRefinementMaxLevel (external)
The maximum level to refine to using the ShockwaveRefinement criteria. Default: 0 (not used)
SecondDerivativeFlaggingFields (external)
The field indices (list of up to 7) that are used for the normalized second derivative refinement criteria. Default: INT_UNDEFINED
MinimumSecondDerivativeForRefinement (external)
The value of the second derivative above which a cell will be flagged for refinement. Each value in this list (of up to 7 values) should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Values between 0.3-0.8 are recommended. Default: 0.3
SecondDerivativeEpsilon (external)
Used to avoid refining around oscillations/fluctuations in the normalized second derivative refinement method. The higher the value, the more it will filter out. For fluid instability simulations, a value of ~0.01 is good. For full-physics simulations, values around ~0.2 are recommended. Be aware that fluctuations on this scale in initial conditions may cause immediate refinement to the maximum level. Default: 1.0e-2
RefineByJeansLengthSafetyFactor (external)
If the Jeans length refinement criterion (see CellFlaggingMethod) is being used, then this parameter specifies the number of cells which must cover one Jeans length. Default: 4
JeansRefinementColdTemperature (external)
If the Jeans length refinement criterion (see CellFlaggingMethod) is being used, and this parameter is greater than zero, this temperature will be used in all cells when calculating the Jeans length. If it is less than or equal to zero, it will be used as a temperature floor when calculating the Jeans length. Default: -1.0
RefineByResistiveLengthSafetyFactor (external)
Resistive length is defined as the curl of the magnetic field over the magnitude of the magnetic field. We make sure this length is covered by this number of cells. i.w. The resistive length in a MHD simulation should not be smaller than CellWidth * RefineByResistiveLengthSafetyFactor. Default: 2.0
MustRefineParticlesCreateParticles (external)
This parameter will flag dark matter particles in cosmological initial conditions as MustRefineParticles. If CellFlaggingMethod 8 is set, AMR will be restricted to cells surrounding MustRefineParticles. There are several different modes for creating MustRefineParticles with this parameter described below. Further information on how to use dark matter MustRefineParticles in cosmological simulations can be found here (link). Default: 0
1 - If the user specifies ``MustRefineParticlesLeftEdge`` and
    ``MustRefineParticlesRightEdge``, dark matter particles within the
    specified region are flagged.  Otherwise, the code looks for an ascii
    input file called MustRefineParticlesFlaggingList.in that contains a list
    of particle ids to be flagged.  The ids in this list must be sorted in
    acending order.
2 - For use with ellipsodial masking in MUSIC inititial conditions.  This
    setting uses traditional static grids for intermediate resolution levels.
    MUSIC will generate RefinementMask files and the ``ParticleTypeName``
    parameter should be set to the name of these files.
3 - Same as setting 2, except refinement on intermediate levels is not
    constrained by static grids.  Instead, refinement around dark matter
    particles is allowed down to the level of a particle's generation level.
    Refinement beyond this level is allowed around particles within the MUSIC
    ellipsoidal making region.
MustRefineParticlesRefineToLevel (external)
The maximum level on which MustRefineParticles are required to refine to. Currently sink particles and MBH particles are required to be sitting at this level at all times. Default: 0
MustRefineParticlesRefineToLevelAutoAdjust (external)
The parameter above might not be handy in cosmological simulations if you want your MustRefineParticles to be refined to a certain physical length, not to a level whose cell size keeps changing. This parameter (positive integer in pc) allows you to do just that. For example, if you set MustRefineParticlesRefineToLevelAutoAdjust = 128 (pc), then the code will automatically calculate MustRefineParticlesRefineToLevel using the boxsize and redshift information. Default: 0 (FALSE)
MustRefineParticlesMinimumMass (external)
This was an experimental parameter to set a minimum for MustRefineParticles. Default: 0.0
MustRefineParticlesRegionLeftEdge (external)
Bottom-left corner of a region in which dark matter particles are flagged as MustRefineParticles in nested cosmological simulations. To be used with MustRefineParticlesCreateParticles = 1. Default: 0.0 0.0 0.0
MustRefineParticlesRegionRightEdge (external)
Top-right corner of a region in which dark matter particles are flagged as MustRefineParticles in nested cosmological simulations. To be used with MustRefineParticlesCreateParticles = 1. Default: 0.0 0.0 0.0
MustRefineRegionMinRefinementLevel (external)
Minimum level to which the rectangular solid volume defined by MustRefineRegionLeftEdge and MustRefineRegionRightEdge will be refined to at all times. (No default setting)
MustRefineRegionLeftEdge (external)
Bottom-left corner of refinement region. Must be within the overall refinement region. Default: 0.0 0.0 0.0
MustRefineRegionRightEdge (external)
Top-right corner of refinement region. Must be within the overall refinement region. Default: 1.0 1.0 1.0
StaticRefineRegionLevel[#] (external)
This parameter is used to specify regions of the problem that are to be statically refined, regardless of other parameters. This is mostly used as an internal mechanism to keep the initial grid hierarchy in place, but can be specified by the user. Up to 20 static regions may be defined (this number set in macros_and_parameters.h), and each static region is labeled starting from zero. For each static refined region, two pieces of information are required: (1) the region (see the next two parameters), and (2) the level at which the refinement is to occurs (0 implies a level 1 region will always exist). Default: none
StaticRefineRegionLeftEdge[#], StaticRefineRegionRightEdge[#] (external)
These two parameters specify the two corners of a statically refined region (see the previous parameter). Default: none
AvoidRefineRegionLevel[#] (external)
This parameter is used to limit the refinement to this level in a rectangular region. Up to MAX_STATIC_REGIONS regions can be used.
AvoidRefineRegionLeftEdge[#], AvoidRefineRegionRightEdge[#] (external)
These two parameters specify the two corners of a region that limits refinement to a certain level (see the previous parameter). Default: none
MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] (external)
This parameter (and the ones following) describe a physical region of the simulation box for which an independent refinement maximum and minimum (separate from MaximumRefinementLevel) can be specified.
MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] controls the geometry of the refined volume. Currently implemented
geometries are: (0) a rectangular region, (1) a ring of infinite height and (2) a cylinder of infinite height. Up to 20 multi-refined regions may be defined (number the same as for StaticRefineRegion) and each multi-refined region is labelled starting from zero. Default: -1 (no multi-regions)
MultiRefineRegionLeftEdge[#], MultiRefineRegionRightEdge[#] (external)
Used when MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] = 0 and specifies the two corners in code units of a rectagular multi-region with a given maximum and minimum refinement level. Default: none.
MultiRefineRegionCenter[#] (external)
Used when MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] = 1 or 2 and specifies the center of the ring or cylinder in code units. Default: none
MultiRefineRegionRadius[#] (external)
Used when MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] = 1 or 2 and specifies the radius of the ring or cylinder in code units. In the case of the ring, this marks the distance to the middle of the ring’s thickness. The thickness is specified with MultiRefineRegionWidth. Default: none
MultiRefineRegionWidth[#] (external)
Used when MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] = 1 and specifies the width (thickness) of the ring in code units. Default: none
MultiRefineRegionOrientation[#] (external)
Used when MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] = 1 or 2 and is a unit vector pointing along the vertical direction of the ring or cylinder. Default: none.
MultiRefineRegionStaggeredRefinement[#] (external)
Used when MultiRefineRegionGeometry[#] = 1 or 2. To avoid a sharp change in refinement at the edge of the ring or cylinder, the allowed refinement is staggered from the maximum allowed value outside the region, MultiRefineRegionOuterMaximumLevel, to the maximum allowed refinement inside the region, MultiRefineRegionMaximumLevel. This parameter is the length over which that staggering occurs in code units. Default: 0.0 (no staggering)
MultiRefineRegionMaximumLevel[#], MultiRefineRegionMinimumLevel[#] (external)
Maximum and minimum allowed refinement inside the region. Default: MaximumRefinementLevel, 0
MultiRefineRegionMaximumOuterLevel, MultiRefineRegionMinimumOuterLevel (external)
Maximum and minimum allowed refinement outside all regions. Default: MaximumRefinementLevel, 0
MinimumEfficiency (external)
When new grids are created during the rebuilding process, each grid is split up by a recursive bisection process that continues until a subgrid is either of a minimum size or has an efficiency higher than this value. The efficiency is the ratio of flagged zones (those requiring refinement) to the total number of zones in the grid. This is a number between 0 and 1 and should probably by around 0.4 for standard three-dimensional runs. Default: 0.2
NumberOfBufferZones (external)
Each flagged cell, during the regridding process, is surrounded by a number of zones to prevent the phenomenon of interest from leaving the refined region before the next regrid. This integer parameter controls the number required, which should almost always be one. Default: 1
MinimumSubgridEdge (external)
The minimum length of the edge of a subgrid. See Running Large Simulations. Default: 6
MaximumSubgridSize (external)
The maximum size (volume) of a subgrid. See Running Large Simulations. Default: 32768
CriticalGridRatio (external)
Critical grid ratio above which subgrids will be split in half along their long axis prior to being split by the second derivative of their signature. Default: 3.0
SubgridSizeAutoAdjust (external)
See Running Large Simulations. Default: 1 (TRUE)
OptimalSubgridsPerProcessor (external)
See Running Large Simulations. Default: 16
LoadBalancing (external)
Set to 0 to keep child grids on the same processor as their parents. Set to 1 to balance the work on one level over all processors. Set to 2 or 3 to load balance the grids but keep them on the same node. Option 2 assumes grouped scheduling, i.e. proc # = (01234567) reside on node (00112233) if there are 4 nodes. Option 3 assumes round-robin scheduling (proc = (01234567) -> node = (01230123)). Set to 4 for load balancing along a Hilbert space-filling curve on each level. See Running Large Simulations. Default: 1
LoadBalancingCycleSkip (external)
This sets how many cycles pass before we load balance the root grids. Only works with LoadBalancing set to 2 or 3. NOT RECOMMENDED for nested grid calculations. Default: 10
LoadBalancingMinLevel (external)
Load balance the grids in levels greater than this parameter. Default: 0
LoadBalancingMaxLevel (external)
Load balance the grids in levels less than this parameter. Default: MAX_DEPTH_OF_HIERARCHY
ResetLoadBalancing (external)
When restarting a simulation, this parameter resets the processor number of each root grid to be sequential. All child grids are assigned to the processor of their parent grid. Only implemented for LoadBalancing = 1. Default = 0
NumberOfRootGridTilesPerDimensionPerProcessor (external)
Splits the root grid into 2^(dimensions*this parameter) grids per MPI process. Default: 1
UserDefinedRootGridLayout (external)

A three element array. Splits the root grid into N subgrids where N is the product of the supplied values. The first entry corresponds to the number of root grid decompositions along the x axis of the simulation, the second element the number of decompositions along the y axis, and the third the number of decompositions along the z axis.

This parameter is only used if all three elements of the array are set to a value different from the dummy default value. If that is the case the root grid will be manually decomposed and the value supplied for NumberOfRootGridTilesPerDimensionPerProcessor will be ignored. This is most useful when an automatic root grid decomposition is inefficient (for example, in a deeply nested isolated galaxy simulation).

This parameter should be used with caution since it is possible to get into a situation where there are fewer grids than CPU cores. Normally this can never happen since there will always be at least one root grid tile for every CPU. Most simulations assume you will be running with as many root grid tiles as CPUs - if you instead opt to reduce the number of root grid tiles per CPU to a number less than one, Enzo might break in unpredictable ways. Default: -99999 -99999 -99999

FastSiblingLocatorEntireDomain (external)
In zoom-in calculations, the fast sibling locator doesn’t need to search the entire domain. Turning this parameter on restricts the finder to the inner nested grid. Currently broken. Default: 0
MoveParticlesBetweenSiblings (external)
During RebuildHierarchy, particles that have moved beyond the grid boundaries are moved to the correct grid. Default: 1
RebuildHierarchyCycleSkip (external)
Set the number of cycles at a given level before rebuilding the hierarchy. Example: RebuildHierarchyCycleSkip[1] = 4